Lost & Found

Lost: Re-usable sport cap lid. Reported by frustrated zip liner who could not stop spilling water on himself on the course.

Lost: Bill Zell’s pet Jackalope, Hopper. Finders reward of $19.93

Lost: Office landline phone cord. Catapulted out the window after being stretched too far.

Found: Men’s fashion briefs. Lost: Male Model

Found: Under rock at Montana Whitewater Parking Lot, Original Nokia Cell Phone.

Lost: Pizza crust that was promised to your best friend because you weren’t going to eat it.

Lost: Montana Whitewater’s pet trout, Bubbles. Last seen behind Brad Pitt rock.
If you think you may have lost an item at our office, please contact us. You will need to let us know what location, a description of the item, and any contact info.